Yahoo! UI Library

event  3.3.0pr1

Yahoo! UI Library > event > synthetic.js (source view)
 * Define new DOM events that can be subscribed to from Nodes.
 * @module event
 * @submodule event-synthetic
var DOMMap   = Y.Env.evt.dom_map,
    toArray  = Y.Array,
    YLang    = Y.Lang,
    isObject = YLang.isObject,
    isString = YLang.isString,
    query    = Y.Selector.query,
    noop     = function () {};

 * <p>The triggering mechanism used by SyntheticEvents.</p>
 * <p>Implementers should not instantiate these directly.  Use the Notifier
 * provided to the event's implemented <code>on(node, sub, notifier)</code> or
 * <code>delegate(node, sub, notifier, filter)</code> methods.</p>
 * @class SyntheticEvent.Notifier
 * @constructor
 * @param handle {EventHandle} the detach handle for the subscription to an
 *              internal custom event used to execute the callback passed to
 *              on(..) or delegate(..)
 * @param emitFacade {Boolean} take steps to ensure the first arg received by
 *              the subscription callback is an event facade
 * @private
 * @since 3.2.0
function Notifier(handle, emitFacade) {
    this.handle     = handle;
    this.emitFacade = emitFacade;

 * <p>Executes the subscription callback, passing the firing arguments as the
 * first parameters to that callback. For events that are configured with
 * emitFacade=true, it is common practice to pass the triggering DOMEventFacade
 * as the first parameter.  Barring a proper DOMEventFacade or EventFacade
 * (from a CustomEvent), a new EventFacade will be generated.  In that case, if
 * fire() is called with a simple object, it will be mixed into the facade.
 * Otherwise, the facade will be prepended to the callback parameters.</p>
 * <p>For notifiers provided to delegate logic, the first argument should be an
 * object with a &quot;currentTarget&quot; property to identify what object to
 * default as 'this' in the callback.  Typically this is gleaned from the
 * DOMEventFacade or EventFacade, but if configured with emitFacade=false, an
 * object must be provided.  In that case, the object will be removed from the
 * callback parameters.</p>
 * <p>Additional arguments passed during event subscription will be
 * automatically added after those passed to fire().</p>
 * @method fire
 * @param e {EventFacade|DOMEventFacade|Object|any} (see description)
 * @param arg* {any} additional arguments received by all subscriptions
 * @private
 */ = function (e) {
    // first arg to delegate notifier should be an object with currentTarget
    var args     = toArray(arguments, 0, true),
        handle   = this.handle,
        ce       = handle.evt,
        sub      = handle.sub,
        thisObj  = sub.context,
        delegate = sub.filter,
        event    = e || {};

    if (this.emitFacade) {
        if (!e || !e.preventDefault) {
            event = ce._getFacade();

            if (isObject(e) && !e.preventDefault) {
                Y.mix(event, e, true);
                args[0] = event;
            } else {

        event.type    = ce.type;
        event.details = args.slice();

        if (delegate) {
            event.container =;
    } else if (delegate && isObject(e) && e.currentTarget) {

    sub.context = thisObj || event.currentTarget ||;, args);
    sub.context = thisObj; // reset for future firing

 * <p>Wrapper class for the integration of new events into the YUI event
 * infrastructure.  Don't instantiate this object directly, use
 * <code>Y.Event.define(type, config)</code>.  See that method for details.</p>
 * <p>Properties that MAY or SHOULD be specified in the configuration are noted
 * below and in the description of <code>Y.Event.define</code>.</p>
 * @class SyntheticEvent
 * @constructor
 * @param cfg {Object} Implementation pieces and configuration
 * @since 3.1.0
 * @in event-synthetic
function SyntheticEvent() {
    this._init.apply(this, arguments);

Y.mix(SyntheticEvent, {
    Notifier: Notifier,

     * Returns the array of subscription handles for a node for the given event
     * type.  Passing true as the third argument will create a registry entry
     * in the event system's DOM map to host the array if one doesn't yet exist.
     * @method getRegistry
     * @param node {Node} the node
     * @param type {String} the event
     * @param create {Boolean} create a registration entry to host a new array
     *                  if one doesn't exist.
     * @return {Array}
     * @static
     * @protected
     * @since 3.2.0
    getRegistry: function (node, type, create) {
        var el     = node._node,
            yuid   = Y.stamp(el),
            key    = 'event:' + yuid + type + '_synth',
            events = DOMMap[yuid] || (DOMMap[yuid] = {});

        if (!events[key] && create) {
            events[key] = {
                type      : '_synth',
                fn        : noop,
                capture   : false,
                el        : el,
                key       : key,
                domkey    : yuid,
                notifiers : [],

                detachAll : function () {
                    var notifiers = this.notifiers,
                        i = notifiers.length;

                    while (--i >= 0) {

        return (events[key]) ? events[key].notifiers : null;

     * Alternate <code>_delete()</code> method for the CustomEvent object
     * created to manage SyntheticEvent subscriptions.
     * @method _deleteSub
     * @param sub {Subscription} the subscription to clean up
     * @private
     * @since 3.2.0
    _deleteSub: function (sub) {
        if (sub && sub.fn) {
            var synth = this.eventDef,
                method = (sub.filter) ? 'detachDelegate' : 'detach';

            this.subscribers = {};
            this.subCount = 0;

            synth[method](sub.node, sub, this.notifier, sub.filter);

            delete sub.fn;
            delete sub.node;
            delete sub.context;

    prototype: {
        constructor: SyntheticEvent,

         * Construction logic for the event.
         * @method _init
         * @protected
        _init: function () {
            var config = this.publishConfig || (this.publishConfig = {});

            // The notification mechanism handles facade creation
            this.emitFacade = ('emitFacade' in config) ?
                                config.emitFacade :
            config.emitFacade  = false;

         * <p>Implementers MAY provide this method definition.</p>
         * <p>Implement this function if the event supports a different
         * subscription signature.  This function is used by both
         * <code>on()</code> and <code>delegate()</code>.  The second parameter
         * indicates that the event is being subscribed via
         * <code>delegate()</code>.</p>
         * <p>Implementations must remove extra arguments from the args list
         * before returning.  The required args for <code>on()</code>
         * subscriptions are</p>
         * <pre><code>[type, callback, target, context, argN...]</code></pre>
         * <p>The required args for <code>delegate()</code>
         * subscriptions are</p>
         * <pre><code>[type, callback, target, filter, context, argN...]</code></pre>
         * <p>The return value from this function will be stored on the
         * subscription in the '_extra' property for reference elsewhere.</p>
         * @method processArgs
         * @param args {Array} parmeters passed to Y.on(..) or Y.delegate(..)
         * @param delegate {Boolean} true if the subscription is from Y.delegate
         * @return {any}
        processArgs: noop,

         * <p>Implementers MAY override this property.</p>
         * <p>Whether to prevent multiple subscriptions to this event that are
         * classified as being the same.  By default, this means the subscribed
         * callback is the same function.  See the <code>subMatch</code>
         * method.  Setting this to true will impact performance for high volume
         * events.</p>
         * @property preventDups
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default false
        //preventDups  : false,

         * <p>Implementers SHOULD provide this method definition.</p>
         * Implementation logic for subscriptions done via <code>node.on(type,
         * fn)</code> or <code>Y.on(type, fn, target)</code>.  This
         * function should set up the monitor(s) that will eventually fire the
         * event.  Typically this involves subscribing to at least one DOM
         * event.  It is recommended to store detach handles from any DOM
         * subscriptions to make for easy cleanup in the <code>detach</code>
         * method.  Typically these handles are added to the <code>sub</code>
         * object.  Also for SyntheticEvents that leverage a single DOM
         * subscription under the hood, it is recommended to pass the DOM event
         * object to <code></code>.  (The event name on the
         * object will be updated).
         * @method on
         * @param node {Node} the node the subscription is being applied to
         * @param sub {Subscription} the object to track this subscription
         * @param notifier {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} call to
         *              trigger the execution of the subscribers
        on: noop,

         * <p>Implementers SHOULD provide this method definition.</p>
         * <p>Implementation logic for detaching subscriptions done via
         * <code>node.on(type, fn)</code>.  This function should clean up any
         * subscriptions made in the <code>on()</code> phase.</p>
         * @method detach
         * @param node {Node} the node the subscription was applied to
         * @param sub {Subscription} the object tracking this subscription
         * @param notifier {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} the Notifier used to
         *              trigger the execution of the subscribers
        detach: noop,

         * <p>Implementers SHOULD provide this method definition.</p>
         * <p>Implementation logic for subscriptions done via
         * <code>node.delegate(type, fn, filter)</code> or
         * <code>Y.delegate(type, fn, container, filter)</code>.  Like with
         * <code>on()</code> above, this function should monitor the environment
         * for the event being fired, and trigger subscription execution by
         * calling <code></code>.</p>
         * <p>This function receives a fourth argument, which is the filter
         * used to identify which Node's are of interest to the subscription.
         * The filter will be either a boolean function that accepts a target
         * Node for each hierarchy level as the event bubbles, or a selector
         * string.  To translate selector strings into filter functions, use
         * <code>Y.delegate.compileFilter(filter)</code>.</p>
         * @method delegate
         * @param node {Node} the node the subscription is being applied to
         * @param sub {Subscription} the object to track this subscription
         * @param notifier {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} call to
         *              trigger the execution of the subscribers
         * @param filter {String|Function} Selector string or function that
         *              accepts an event object and returns null, a Node, or an
         *              array of Nodes matching the criteria for processing.
         * @since 3.2.0
        delegate       : noop,

         * <p>Implementers SHOULD provide this method definition.</p>
         * <p>Implementation logic for detaching subscriptions done via
         * <code>node.delegate(type, fn, filter)</code> or
         * <code>Y.delegate(type, fn, container, filter)</code>.  This function
         * should clean up any subscriptions made in the
         * <code>delegate()</code> phase.</p>
         * @method detachDelegate
         * @param node {Node} the node the subscription was applied to
         * @param sub {Subscription} the object tracking this subscription
         * @param notifier {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} the Notifier used to
         *              trigger the execution of the subscribers
         * @param filter {String|Function} Selector string or function that
         *              accepts an event object and returns null, a Node, or an
         *              array of Nodes matching the criteria for processing.
         * @since 3.2.0
        detachDelegate : noop,

         * Sets up the boilerplate for detaching the event and facilitating the
         * execution of subscriber callbacks.
         * @method _on
         * @param args {Array} array of arguments passed to
         *              <code>Y.on(...)</code> or <code>Y.delegate(...)</code>
         * @param delegate {Boolean} true if called from
         * <code>Y.delegate(...)</code>
         * @return {EventHandle} the detach handle for this subscription
         * @private
         * since 3.2.0
        _on: function (args, delegate) {
            var handles  = [],
                selector = args[2],
                method   = delegate ? 'delegate' : 'on',
                nodes, handle;

            // Can't just use Y.all because it doesn't support window (yet?)
            nodes = (isString(selector)) ? query(selector) : toArray(selector);

            if (!nodes.length && isString(selector)) {
                handle = Y.on('available', function () {
                    Y.mix(handle, Y[method].apply(Y, args), true);
                }, selector);

                return handle;

            Y.Array.each(nodes, function (node) {
                var subArgs = args.slice(),
                    extra, filter;

                node =;

                if (node) {
                    extra = this.processArgs(subArgs, delegate);

                    if (delegate) {
                        filter = subArgs.splice(3, 1)[0];

                    // (type, fn, el, thisObj, ...) => (fn, thisObj, ...)
                    subArgs.splice(0, 4, subArgs[1], subArgs[3]);

                    if (!this.preventDups || !this.getSubs(node, args,null,true)) {
                        handle = this._getNotifier(node, subArgs, extra,filter);

                        this[method](node, handle.sub, handle.notifier, filter);

            }, this);

            return (handles.length === 1) ?
                handles[0] :
                new Y.EventHandle(handles);

         * Creates a new Notifier object for use by this event's
         * <code>on(...)</code> or <code>delegate(...)</code> implementation.
         * @method _getNotifier
         * @param node {Node} the Node hosting the event
         * @param args {Array} the subscription arguments passed to either
         *              <code>Y.on(...)</code> or <code>Y.delegate(...)</code>
         *              after running through <code>processArgs(args)</code> to
         *              normalize the argument signature
         * @param extra {any} Extra data parsed from
         *              <code>processArgs(args)</code>
         * @param filter {String|Function} the selector string or function
         *              filter passed to <code>Y.delegate(...)</code> (not
         *              present when called from <code>Y.on(...)</code>)
         * @return {SyntheticEvent.Notifier}
         * @private
         * @since 3.2.0
        _getNotifier: function (node, args, extra, filter) {
            var dispatcher = new Y.CustomEvent(this.type, this.publishConfig),
                handle     = dispatcher.on.apply(dispatcher, args),
                notifier   = new Notifier(handle, this.emitFacade),
                registry   = SyntheticEvent.getRegistry(node, this.type, true),
                sub        = handle.sub;

            handle.notifier   = notifier;

            sub.node   = node;
            sub.filter = filter;
            sub._extra = extra;

            Y.mix(dispatcher, {
                eventDef     : this,
                notifier     : notifier,
                host         : node,       // I forget what this is for
                currentTarget: node,       // for generating facades
                target       : node,       // for generating facades
                el           : node._node, // For category detach

                _delete      : SyntheticEvent._deleteSub
            }, true);


            return handle;

         * Removes the subscription from the Notifier registry.
         * @method _unregisterSub
         * @param sub {Subscription} the subscription
         * @private
         * @since 3.2.0
        _unregisterSub: function (sub) {
            var notifiers = SyntheticEvent.getRegistry(sub.node, this.type),

            if (notifiers) {
                for (i = notifiers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    if (notifiers[i].sub === sub) {
                        notifiers.splice(i, 1);

         * Removes the subscription(s) from the internal subscription dispatch
         * mechanism.  See <code>SyntheticEvent._deleteSub</code>.
         * @method _detach
         * @param args {Array} The arguments passed to
         *                  <code>node.detach(...)</code>
         * @private
         * @since 3.2.0
        _detach: function (args) {
            // Can't use Y.all because it doesn't support window (yet?)
            // TODO: Does Y.all support window now?
            var target = args[2],
                els    = (isString(target)) ?
                            query(target) : toArray(target),
                node, i, len, handles, j;

            // (type, fn, el, context, filter?) => (type, fn, context, filter?)
            args.splice(2, 1);

            for (i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; ++i) {
                node =[i]);

                if (node) {
                    handles = this.getSubs(node, args);

                    if (handles) {
                        for (j = handles.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {

         * Returns the detach handles of subscriptions on a node that satisfy a
         * search/filter function.  By default, the filter used is the
         * <code>subMatch</code> method.
         * @method getSubs
         * @param node {Node} the node hosting the event
         * @param args {Array} the array of original subscription args passed
         *              to <code>Y.on(...)</code> (before
         *              <code>processArgs</code>
         * @param filter {Function} function used to identify a subscription
         *              for inclusion in the returned array
         * @param first {Boolean} stop after the first match (used to check for
         *              duplicate subscriptions)
         * @return {Array} detach handles for the matching subscriptions
        getSubs: function (node, args, filter, first) {
            var notifiers = SyntheticEvent.getRegistry(node, this.type),
                handles = [],
                i, len, handle;

            if (notifiers) {
                if (!filter) {
                    filter = this.subMatch;

                for (i = 0, len = notifiers.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    handle = notifiers[i];
                    if (, handle.sub, args)) {
                        if (first) {
                            return handle;
                        } else {

            return handles.length && handles;

         * <p>Implementers MAY override this to define what constitutes a
         * &quot;same&quot; subscription.  Override implementations should
         * consider the lack of a comparator as a match, so calling
         * <code>getSubs()</code> with no arguments will return all subs.</p>
         * <p>Compares a set of subscription arguments against a Subscription
         * object to determine if they match.  The default implementation
         * compares the callback function against the second argument passed to
         * <code>Y.on(...)</code> or <code>node.detach(...)</code> etc.</p>
         * @method subMatch
         * @param sub {Subscription} the existing subscription
         * @param args {Array} the calling arguments passed to
         *                  <code>Y.on(...)</code> etc.
         * @return {Boolean} true if the sub can be described by the args
         *                  present
         * @since 3.2.0
        subMatch: function (sub, args) {
            // Default detach cares only about the callback matching
            return !args[1] || sub.fn === args[1];
}, true);

Y.SyntheticEvent = SyntheticEvent;

 * <p>Defines a new event in the DOM event system.  Implementers are
 * responsible for monitoring for a scenario whereby the event is fired.  A
 * notifier object is provided to the functions identified below.  When the
 * criteria defining the event are met, call [args] ); to
 * execute event subscribers.</p>
 * <p>The first parameter is the name of the event.  The second parameter is a
 * configuration object which define the behavior of the event system when the
 * new event is subscribed to or detached from.  The methods that should be
 * defined in this configuration object are <code>on</code>,
 * <code>detach</code>, <code>delegate</code>, and <code>detachDelegate</code>.
 * You are free to define any other methods or properties needed to define your
 * event.  Be aware, however, that since the object is used to subclass
 * SyntheticEvent, you should avoid method names used by SyntheticEvent unless
 * your intention is to override the default behavior.</p>
 * <p>This is a list of properties and methods that you can or should specify
 * in the configuration object:</p>
 * <dl>
 *   <dt><code>on</code></dt>
 *       <dd><code>function (node, subscription, notifier)</code> The
 *       implementation logic for subscription.  Any special setup you need to
 *       do to create the environment for the event being fired--E.g. native
 *       DOM event subscriptions.  Store subscription related objects and
 *       state on the <code>subscription</code> object.  When the
 *       criteria have been met to fire the synthetic event, call
 *       <code></code>.  See Notifier's <code>fire()</code>
 *       method for details about what to pass as parameters.</dd>
 *   <dt><code>detach</code></dt>
 *       <dd><code>function (node, subscription, notifier)</code> The
 *       implementation logic for cleaning up a detached subscription. E.g.
 *       detach any DOM subscriptions added in <code>on</code>.</dd>
 *   <dt><code>delegate</code></dt>
 *       <dd><code>function (node, subscription, notifier, filter)</code> The
 *       implementation logic for subscription via <code>Y.delegate</code> or
 *       <code>node.delegate</code>.  The filter is typically either a selector
 *       string or a function.  You can use
 *       <code>Y.delegate.compileFilter(selectorString)</code> to create a
 *       filter function from a selector string if needed.  The filter function
 *       expects an event object as input and should output either null, a
 *       matching Node, or an array of matching Nodes.  Otherwise, this acts
 *       like <code>on</code> DOM event subscriptions.  Store subscription
 *       related objects and information on the <code>subscription</code>
 *       object.  When the criteria have been met to fire the synthetic event,
 *       call <code></code> as noted above.</dd>
 *   <dt><code>detachDelegate</code></dt>
 *       <dd><code>function (node, subscription, notifier)</code> The
 *       implementation logic for cleaning up a detached delegate subscription.
 *       E.g. detach any DOM delegate subscriptions added in
 *       <code>delegate</code>.</dd>
 *   <dt><code>publishConfig</code></dt>
 *       <dd>(Object) The configuration object that will be used to instantiate
 *       the underlying CustomEvent. See Notifier's <code>fire</code> method
 *       for details.</dd>
 *   <dt><code>processArgs</code></dt
 *       <dd>
 *          <p><code>function (argArray, fromDelegate)</code> Optional method
 *          to extract any additional arguments from the subscription
 *          signature.  Using this allows <code>on</code> or
 *          <code>delegate</code> signatures like
 *          <code>node.on(&quot;hover&quot;, overCallback,
 *          outCallback)</code>.</p>
 *          <p>When processing an atypical argument signature, make sure the
 *          args array is returned to the normal signature before returning
 *          from the function.  For example, in the &quot;hover&quot; example
 *          above, the <code>outCallback</code> needs to be <code>splice</code>d
 *          out of the array.  The expected signature of the args array for
 *          <code>on()</code> subscriptions is:</p>
 *          <pre>
 *              <code>[type, callback, target, contextOverride, argN...]</code>
 *          </pre>
 *          <p>And for <code>delegate()</code>:</p>
 *          <pre>
 *              <code>[type, callback, target, filter, contextOverride, argN...]</code>
 *          </pre>
 *          <p>where <code>target</code> is the node the event is being
 *          subscribed for.  You can see these signatures documented for
 *          <code>Y.on()</code> and <code>Y.delegate()</code> respectively.</p>
 *          <p>Whatever gets returned from the function will be stored on the
 *          <code>subscription</code> object under
 *          <code>subscription._extra</code>.</p></dd>
 *   <dt><code>subMatch</code></dt>
 *       <dd>
 *           <p><code>function (sub, args)</code>  Compares a set of
 *           subscription arguments against a Subscription object to determine
 *           if they match.  The default implementation compares the callback
 *           function against the second argument passed to
 *           <code>Y.on(...)</code> or <code>node.detach(...)</code> etc.</p>
 *       </dd>
 * </dl>
 * @method Event.define
 * @param type {String} the name of the event
 * @param config {Object} the prototype definition for the new event (see above)
 * @param force {Boolean} override an existing event (use with caution)
 * @static
 * @return {SyntheticEvent} the subclass implementation instance created to
 *              handle event subscriptions of this type
 * @for Event
 * @since 3.1.0
 * @in event-synthetic
Y.Event.define = function (type, config, force) {
    if (!config) {
        config = {};

    var eventDef = (isObject(type)) ? type : Y.merge({ type: type }, config),
        Impl, synth;

    if (force || !Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS[eventDef.type]) {
        Impl = function () {
            SyntheticEvent.apply(this, arguments);
        Y.extend(Impl, SyntheticEvent, eventDef);
        synth = new Impl();

        type = synth.type;

        Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS[type] = Y.Env.evt.plugins[type] = {
            eventDef: synth,

            on: function () {
                return synth._on(toArray(arguments));

            delegate: function () {
                return synth._on(toArray(arguments), true);

            detach: function () {
                return synth._detach(toArray(arguments));


    return synth;

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