Yahoo! UI Library

node  3.3.0pr1

Yahoo! UI Library > node > node.js (source view)
 * The Node Utility provides a DOM-like interface for interacting with DOM nodes.
 * @module node
 * @submodule node-base

 * The Node class provides a wrapper for manipulating DOM Nodes.
 * Node properties can be accessed via the set/get methods.
 * Use Y.get() to retrieve Node instances.
 * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Node properties are accessed using
 * the <code>set</code> and <code>get</code> methods.
 * @class Node
 * @constructor
 * @param {DOMNode} node the DOM node to be mapped to the Node instance.
 * @for Node

// "globals"
var DOT = '.',
    NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',
    NODE_TYPE = 'nodeType',
    OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument',
    TAG_NAME = 'tagName',
    UID = '_yuid',

    _slice = Array.prototype.slice,

    Y_DOM = Y.DOM,

    Y_Node = function(node) {
        var uid = (node.nodeType !== 9) ? node.uniqueID : node[UID];

        if (uid && Y_Node._instances[uid] && Y_Node._instances[uid]._node !== node) {
            node[UID] = null; // unset existing uid to prevent collision (via clone or hack)

        uid = uid || Y.stamp(node);
        if (!uid) { // stamp failed; likely IE non-HTMLElement
            uid = Y.guid();

        this[UID] = uid;

         * The underlying DOM node bound to the Y.Node instance
         * @property _node
         * @private
        this._node = node;
        Y_Node._instances[uid] = this;

        this._stateProxy = node; // when augmented with Attribute, {emitFacade:true});

        if (this._initPlugins) { // when augmented with Plugin.Host


    // used with previous/next/ancestor tests
    _wrapFn = function(fn) {
        var ret = null;
        if (fn) {
            ret = (typeof fn == 'string') ?
            function(n) {
                return Y.Selector.test(n, fn);
            } :
            function(n) {
                return fn(;

        return ret;
// end "globals"

 * The name of the component
 * @static
 * @property NAME
Y_Node.NAME = 'node';

 * The pattern used to identify ARIA attributes
Y_Node.re_aria = /^(?:role$|aria-)/;

Y_Node.SHOW_TRANSITION = 'fadeIn';
Y_Node.HIDE_TRANSITION = 'fadeOut';

 * List of events that route to DOM events
 * @static
 * @property DOM_EVENTS

    abort: 1,
    beforeunload: 1,
    blur: 1,
    change: 1,
    click: 1,
    close: 1,
    command: 1,
    contextmenu: 1,
    dblclick: 1,
    DOMMouseScroll: 1,
    drag: 1,
    dragstart: 1,
    dragenter: 1,
    dragover: 1,
    dragleave: 1,
    dragend: 1,
    drop: 1,
    error: 1,
    focus: 1,
    key: 1,
    keydown: 1,
    keypress: 1,
    keyup: 1,
    load: 1,
    message: 1,
    mousedown: 1,
    mouseenter: 1,
    mouseleave: 1,
    mousemove: 1,
    mousemultiwheel: 1,
    mouseout: 1,
    mouseover: 1,
    mouseup: 1,
    mousewheel: 1,
    reset: 1,
    resize: 1,
    select: 1,
    selectstart: 1,
    submit: 1,
    scroll: 1,
    textInput: 1,
    unload: 1

// Add custom event adaptors to this list.  This will make it so
// that delegate, key, available, contentready, etc all will
// be available through Node.on
Y.mix(Y_Node.DOM_EVENTS, Y.Env.evt.plugins);

 * A list of Node instances that have been created
 * @private
 * @property _instances
 * @static
Y_Node._instances = {};

 * Retrieves the DOM node bound to a Node instance
 * @method getDOMNode
 * @static
 * @param {Y.Node || HTMLNode} node The Node instance or an HTMLNode
 * @return {HTMLNode} The DOM node bound to the Node instance.  If a DOM node is passed
 * as the node argument, it is simply returned.
Y_Node.getDOMNode = function(node) {
    if (node) {
        return (node.nodeType) ? node : node._node || null;
    return null;

 * Checks Node return values and wraps DOM Nodes as Y.Node instances
 * and DOM Collections / Arrays as Y.NodeList instances.
 * Other return values just pass thru.  If undefined is returned (e.g. no return)
 * then the Node instance is returned for chainability.
 * @method scrubVal
 * @static
 * @param {any} node The Node instance or an HTMLNode
 * @return {Y.Node | Y.NodeList | any} Depends on what is returned from the DOM node.
Y_Node.scrubVal = function(val, node) {
    if (val) { // only truthy values are risky
         if (typeof val == 'object' || typeof val == 'function') { // safari nodeList === function
            if (NODE_TYPE in val || Y_DOM.isWindow(val)) {// node || window
                val =;
            } else if ((val.item && !val._nodes) || // dom collection or Node instance
                    (val[0] && val[0][NODE_TYPE])) { // array of DOM Nodes
                val = Y.all(val);
    } else if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
        val = node; // for chaining
    } else if (val === null) {
        val = null; // IE: DOM null not the same as null

    return val;

 * Adds methods to the Y.Node prototype, routing through scrubVal.
 * @method addMethod
 * @static
 * @param {String} name The name of the method to add
 * @param {Function} fn The function that becomes the method
 * @param {Object} context An optional context to call the method with
 * (defaults to the Node instance)
 * @return {any} Depends on what is returned from the DOM node.
Y_Node.addMethod = function(name, fn, context) {
    if (name && fn && typeof fn == 'function') {
        Y_Node.prototype[name] = function() {
            var args =,
                node = this,

            if (args[0] && Y.instanceOf(args[0], Y_Node)) {
                args[0] = args[0]._node;

            if (args[1] && Y.instanceOf(args[1], Y_Node)) {
                args[1] = args[1]._node;

            ret = fn.apply(node, args);

            if (ret) { // scrub truthy
                ret = Y_Node.scrubVal(ret, node);

            (typeof ret != 'undefined') || (ret = node);
            return ret;
    } else {
        Y.log('unable to add method: ' + name, 'warn', 'Node');

 * Imports utility methods to be added as Y.Node methods.
 * @method importMethod
 * @static
 * @param {Object} host The object that contains the method to import.
 * @param {String} name The name of the method to import
 * @param {String} altName An optional name to use in place of the host name
 * @param {Object} context An optional context to call the method with
Y_Node.importMethod = function(host, name, altName) {
    if (typeof name == 'string') {
        altName = altName || name;
        Y_Node.addMethod(altName, host[name], host);
    } else {
        Y.Array.each(name, function(n) {
            Y_Node.importMethod(host, n);

 * Returns a single Node instance bound to the node or the
 * first element matching the given selector. Returns null if no match found.
 * <strong>Note:</strong> For chaining purposes you may want to
 * use <code>Y.all</code>, which returns a NodeList when no match is found.
 * @method
 * @static
 * @param {String | HTMLElement} node a node or Selector
 * @return {Y.Node | null} a Node instance or null if no match found.
 */ = function(node) {
    var instance = null,

    if (node) {
        if (typeof node == 'string') {
            if (node.indexOf('doc') === 0) { // doc OR document
                node = Y.config.doc;
            } else if (node.indexOf('win') === 0) { // win OR window
                node =;
            } else {
                node = Y.Selector.query(node, null, true);
            if (!node) {
                return null;
        } else if (Y.instanceOf(node, Y_Node)) {
            return node; // NOTE: return

        if (node.nodeType || Y.DOM.isWindow(node)) { // avoid bad input (numbers, boolean, etc)
            uid = (node.uniqueID && node.nodeType !== 9) ? node.uniqueID : node._yuid;
            instance = Y_Node._instances[uid]; // reuse exising instances
            cachedNode = instance ? instance._node : null;
            if (!instance || (cachedNode && node !== cachedNode)) { // new Node when nodes don't match
                instance = new Y_Node(node);
    return instance;

 * Creates a new dom node using the provided markup string.
 * @method create
 * @static
 * @param {String} html The markup used to create the element
 * @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
 * @return {Node} A Node instance bound to a DOM node or fragment
Y_Node.create = function() {
    return, arguments));

 * Static collection of configuration attributes for special handling
 * @property ATTRS
 * @static
 * @type object
Y_Node.ATTRS = {
     * Allows for getting and setting the text of an element.
     * Formatting is preserved and special characters are treated literally.
     * @config text
     * @type String
    text: {
        getter: function() {
            return Y_DOM.getText(this._node);

        setter: function(content) {
            Y_DOM.setText(this._node, content);
            return content;

    'options': {
        getter: function() {
            return this._node.getElementsByTagName('option');

     * Returns a NodeList instance of all HTMLElement children.
     * @readOnly
     * @config children
     * @type NodeList
    'children': {
        getter: function() {
            var node = this._node,
                children = node.children,
                childNodes, i, len;

            if (!children) {
                childNodes = node.childNodes;
                children = [];

                for (i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    if (childNodes[i][TAG_NAME]) {
                        children[children.length] = childNodes[i];
            return Y.all(children);

    value: {
        getter: function() {
            return Y_DOM.getValue(this._node);

        setter: function(val) {
            Y_DOM.setValue(this._node, val);
            return val;

 * The default setter for DOM properties
 * Called with instance context (this === the Node instance)
 * @static
 * @param {String} name The attribute/property being set
 * @param {any} val The value to be set
 * @return {any} The value
Y_Node.DEFAULT_SETTER = function(name, val) {
    var node = this._stateProxy,

    if (name.indexOf(DOT) > -1) {
        strPath = name;
        name = name.split(DOT);
        // only allow when defined on node
        Y.Object.setValue(node, name, val);
    } else if (typeof node[name] != 'undefined') { // pass thru DOM properties
        node[name] = val;

    return val;

 * The default getter for DOM properties
 * Called with instance context (this === the Node instance)
 * @static
 * @param {String} name The attribute/property to look up
 * @return {any} The current value
Y_Node.DEFAULT_GETTER = function(name) {
    var node = this._stateProxy,

    if (name.indexOf && name.indexOf(DOT) > -1) {
        val = Y.Object.getValue(node, name.split(DOT));
    } else if (typeof node[name] != 'undefined') { // pass thru from DOM
        val = node[name];

    return val;

// Basic prototype augment - no lazy constructor invocation.
Y.mix(Y_Node, Y.EventTarget, false, null, 1);

Y.mix(Y_Node.prototype, {
 * The method called when outputting Node instances as strings
 * @method toString
 * @return {String} A string representation of the Node instance
    toString: function() {
        var str = this[UID] + ': not bound to a node',
            node = this._node,
            attrs, id, className;

        if (node) {
            attrs = node.attributes;
            id = (attrs && ? node.getAttribute('id') : null;
            className = (attrs && attrs.className) ? node.getAttribute('className') : null;
            str = node[NODE_NAME];

            if (id) {
                str += '#' + id;

            if (className) {
                str += '.' + className.replace(' ', '.');

            // TODO: add yuid?
            str += ' ' + this[UID];
        return str;

     * Returns an attribute value on the Node instance.
     * Unless pre-configured (via Node.ATTRS), get hands
     * off to the underlying DOM node.  Only valid
     * attributes/properties for the node will be set.
     * @method get
     * @param {String} attr The attribute
     * @return {any} The current value of the attribute
    get: function(attr) {
        var val;

        if (this._getAttr) { // use Attribute imple
            val = this._getAttr(attr);
        } else {
            val = this._get(attr);

        if (val) {
            val = Y_Node.scrubVal(val, this);
        } else if (val === null) {
            val = null; // IE: DOM null is not true null (even though they ===)
        return val;

     * Helper method for get.
     * @method _get
     * @private
     * @param {String} attr The attribute
     * @return {any} The current value of the attribute
    _get: function(attr) {
        var attrConfig = Y_Node.ATTRS[attr],

        if (attrConfig && attrConfig.getter) {
            val =;
        } else if (Y_Node.re_aria.test(attr)) {
            val = this._node.getAttribute(attr, 2);
        } else {
            val = Y_Node.DEFAULT_GETTER.apply(this, arguments);

        return val;

     * Sets an attribute on the Node instance.
     * Unless pre-configured (via Node.ATTRS), set hands
     * off to the underlying DOM node.  Only valid
     * attributes/properties for the node will be set.
     * To set custom attributes use setAttribute.
     * @method set
     * @param {String} attr The attribute to be set.
     * @param {any} val The value to set the attribute to.
     * @chainable
    set: function(attr, val) {
        var attrConfig = Y_Node.ATTRS[attr];

        if (this._setAttr) { // use Attribute imple
            this._setAttr.apply(this, arguments);
        } else { // use setters inline
            if (attrConfig && attrConfig.setter) {
      , val);
            } else if (Y_Node.re_aria.test(attr)) { // special case Aria
                this._node.setAttribute(attr, val);
            } else {
                Y_Node.DEFAULT_SETTER.apply(this, arguments);

        return this;

     * Sets multiple attributes.
     * @method setAttrs
     * @param {Object} attrMap an object of name/value pairs to set
     * @chainable
    setAttrs: function(attrMap) {
        if (this._setAttrs) { // use Attribute imple
        } else { // use setters inline
            Y.Object.each(attrMap, function(v, n) {
                this.set(n, v);
            }, this);

        return this;

     * Returns an object containing the values for the requested attributes.
     * @method getAttrs
     * @param {Array} attrs an array of attributes to get values
     * @return {Object} An object with attribute name/value pairs.
    getAttrs: function(attrs) {
        var ret = {};
        if (this._getAttrs) { // use Attribute imple
        } else { // use setters inline
            Y.Array.each(attrs, function(v, n) {
                ret[v] = this.get(v);
            }, this);

        return ret;

     * Creates a new Node using the provided markup string.
     * @method create
     * @param {String} html The markup used to create the element
     * @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
     * @return {Node} A Node instance bound to a DOM node or fragment
    create: Y_Node.create,

     * Compares nodes to determine if they match.
     * Node instances can be compared to each other and/or HTMLElements.
     * @method compareTo
     * @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode The reference node to compare to the node.
     * @return {Boolean} True if the nodes match, false if they do not.
    compareTo: function(refNode) {
        var node = this._node;

        if (Y.instanceOf(refNode, Y_Node)) {
            refNode = refNode._node;
        return node === refNode;

     * Determines whether the node is appended to the document.
     * @method inDoc
     * @param {Node|HTMLElement} doc optional An optional document to check against.
     * Defaults to current document.
     * @return {Boolean} Whether or not this node is appended to the document.
    inDoc: function(doc) {
        var node = this._node;
        doc = (doc) ? doc._node || doc : node[OWNER_DOCUMENT];
        if (doc.documentElement) {
            return Y_DOM.contains(doc.documentElement, node);

    getById: function(id) {
        var node = this._node,
            ret = Y_DOM.byId(id, node[OWNER_DOCUMENT]);
        if (ret && Y_DOM.contains(node, ret)) {
            ret =;
        } else {
            ret = null;
        return ret;

     * Returns the nearest ancestor that passes the test applied by supplied boolean method.
     * @method ancestor
     * @param {String | Function} fn A selector string or boolean method for testing elements.
     * @param {Boolean} testSelf optional Whether or not to include the element in the scan
     * If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
     * @return {Node} The matching Node instance or null if not found
    ancestor: function(fn, testSelf) {
        return, _wrapFn(fn), testSelf));

     * Returns the ancestors that pass the test applied by supplied boolean method.
     * @method ancestors
     * @param {String | Function} fn A selector string or boolean method for testing elements.
     * @param {Boolean} testSelf optional Whether or not to include the element in the scan
     * If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
     * @return {NodeList} A NodeList instance containing the matching elements 
    ancestors: function(fn, testSelf) {
        return Y.all(Y_DOM.ancestors(this._node, _wrapFn(fn), testSelf));

     * Returns the previous matching sibling.
     * Returns the nearest element node sibling if no method provided.
     * @method previous
     * @param {String | Function} fn A selector or boolean method for testing elements.
     * If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
     * @return {Node} Node instance or null if not found
    previous: function(fn, all) {
        return, 'previousSibling', _wrapFn(fn), all));

     * Returns the next matching sibling.
     * Returns the nearest element node sibling if no method provided.
     * @method next
     * @param {String | Function} fn A selector or boolean method for testing elements.
     * If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
     * @return {Node} Node instance or null if not found
    next: function(fn, all) {
        return, 'nextSibling', _wrapFn(fn), all));

     * Returns all matching siblings.
     * Returns all siblings if no method provided.
     * @method siblings
     * @param {String | Function} fn A selector or boolean method for testing elements.
     * If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
     * @return {NodeList} NodeList instance bound to found siblings
    siblings: function(fn) {
        return Y.all(Y_DOM.siblings(this._node, _wrapFn(fn)));

     * Retrieves a Node instance of nodes based on the given CSS selector.
     * @method one
     * @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
     * @return {Node} A Node instance for the matching HTMLElement.
    one: function(selector) {
        return, this._node, true));

     * Retrieves a nodeList based on the given CSS selector.
     * @method all
     * @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
     * @return {NodeList} A NodeList instance for the matching HTMLCollection/Array.
    all: function(selector) {
        var nodelist = Y.all(Y.Selector.query(selector, this._node));
        nodelist._query = selector;
        nodelist._queryRoot = this._node;
        return nodelist;

    // TODO: allow fn test
     * Test if the supplied node matches the supplied selector.
     * @method test
     * @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
     * @return {boolean} Whether or not the node matches the selector.
    test: function(selector) {
        return Y.Selector.test(this._node, selector);

     * Removes the node from its parent.
     * Shortcut for myNode.get('parentNode').removeChild(myNode);
     * @method remove
     * @chainable
    remove: function(destroy) {
        var node = this._node,
            parentNode = node.parentNode;

        if (parentNode) {

        if (destroy) {

        return this;

     * Replace the node with the other node. This is a DOM update only
     * and does not change the node bound to the Node instance.
     * Shortcut for myNode.get('parentNode').replaceChild(newNode, myNode);
     * @method replace
     * @param {Y.Node || HTMLNode} newNode Node to be inserted
     * @chainable
    replace: function(newNode) {
        var node = this._node;
        if (typeof newNode == 'string') {
            newNode = Y_Node.create(newNode);
        node.parentNode.replaceChild(Y_Node.getDOMNode(newNode), node);
        return this;

     * @method replaceChild
     * @for Node
     * @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} node Node to be inserted 
     * @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode Node to be replaced 
     * @return {Node} The replaced node
    replaceChild: function(node, refNode) {
        if (typeof node == 'string') {
            node = Y_DOM.create(node);

        return, Y_Node.getDOMNode(refNode)));

     * @method appendChild
     * @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} node Node to be appended 
     * @return {Node} The appended node 
    appendChild: function(node) {
        return Y_Node.scrubVal(this._insert(node));

     * @method insertBefore
     * @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} newNode Node to be appended 
     * @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode Node to be inserted before 
     * @return {Node} The inserted node 
    insertBefore: function(newNode, refNode) {
        return Y.Node.scrubVal(this._insert(newNode, refNode, 'before'));

     * Removes event listeners from the node and (optionally) its subtree
     * @method purge
     * @param {Boolean} recurse (optional) Whether or not to remove listeners from the
     * node's subtree
     * @param {String} type (optional) Only remove listeners of the specified type
     * @chainable
    purge: function(recurse, type) {
        Y.Event.purgeElement(this._node, recurse, type);
        return this;

     * Nulls internal node references, removes any plugins and event listeners
     * @method destroy
     * @param {Boolean} recursivePurge (optional) Whether or not to remove listeners from the
     * node's subtree (default is false)
    destroy: function(recursivePurge) {
        delete Y_Node._instances[this[UID]];

        if (this.unplug) { // may not be a PluginHost

        this._node._yuid = null;
        this._node = null;
        this._stateProxy = null;

     * Invokes a method on the Node instance
     * @method invoke
     * @param {String} method The name of the method to invoke
     * @param {Any}  a, b, c, etc. Arguments to invoke the method with.
     * @return Whatever the underly method returns.
     * DOM Nodes and Collections return values
     * are converted to Node/NodeList instances.
    invoke: function(method, a, b, c, d, e) {
        var node = this._node,

        if (a && Y.instanceOf(a, Y_Node)) {
            a = a._node;

        if (b && Y.instanceOf(b, Y_Node)) {
            b = b._node;

        ret = node[method](a, b, c, d, e);
        return Y_Node.scrubVal(ret, this);

     * Inserts the content before the reference node.
     * @method insert
     * @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement | Y.NodeList | HTMLCollection} content The content to insert
     * @param {Int | Y.Node | HTMLElement | String} where The position to insert at.
     * Possible "where" arguments
     * <dl>
     * <dt>Y.Node</dt>
     * <dd>The Node to insert before</dd>
     * <dt>HTMLElement</dt>
     * <dd>The element to insert before</dd>
     * <dt>Int</dt>
     * <dd>The index of the child element to insert before</dd>
     * <dt>"replace"</dt>
     * <dd>Replaces the existing HTML</dd>
     * <dt>"before"</dt>
     * <dd>Inserts before the existing HTML</dd>
     * <dt>"before"</dt>
     * <dd>Inserts content before the node</dd>
     * <dt>"after"</dt>
     * <dd>Inserts content after the node</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @chainable
    insert: function(content, where) {
        this._insert(content, where);
        return this;

    _insert: function(content, where) {
        var node = this._node,
            ret = null;

        if (typeof where == 'number') { // allow index
            where = this._node.childNodes[where];
        } else if (where && where._node) { // Node
            where = where._node;

        if (content && typeof content != 'string') { // allow Node or NodeList/Array instances
            content = content._node || content._nodes || content;
        ret = Y_DOM.addHTML(node, content, where);

        return ret;

     * Inserts the content as the firstChild of the node.
     * @method prepend
     * @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement} content The content to insert
     * @chainable
    prepend: function(content) {
        return this.insert(content, 0);

     * Inserts the content as the lastChild of the node.
     * @method append
     * @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement} content The content to insert
     * @chainable
    append: function(content) {
        return this.insert(content, null);

     * Appends the node to the given node. 
     * @method appendTo
     * @param {Y.Node | HTMLElement} node The node to append to
     * @chainable
    appendTo: function(node) {;

     * Replaces the node's current content with the content.
     * @method setContent
     * @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement | Y.NodeList | HTMLCollection} content The content to insert
     * @chainable
    setContent: function(content) {
        this._insert(content, 'replace');
        return this;

     * Returns the node's current content (e.g. innerHTML) 
     * @method getContent
     * @return {String} The current content
    getContent: function(content) {
        return this.get('innerHTML');

    * @method swap
    * @description Swap DOM locations with the given node.
    * This does not change which DOM node each Node instance refers to.
    * @param {Node} otherNode The node to swap with
     * @chainable
    swap: Y.config.doc.documentElement.swapNode ?
        function(otherNode) {
        } :
        function(otherNode) {
            otherNode = Y_Node.getDOMNode(otherNode);
            var node = this._node,
                parent = otherNode.parentNode,
                nextSibling = otherNode.nextSibling;

            if (nextSibling === node) {
                parent.insertBefore(node, otherNode);
            } else if (otherNode === node.nextSibling) {
                parent.insertBefore(otherNode, node);
            } else {
                node.parentNode.replaceChild(otherNode, node);
                Y_DOM.addHTML(parent, node, nextSibling);
            return this;

    * @method getData
    * @description Retrieves arbitrary data stored on a Node instance.
    * This is not stored with the DOM node.
    * @param {string} name Optional name of the data field to retrieve.
    * If no name is given, all data is returned.
    * @return {any | Object} Whatever is stored at the given field,
    * or an object hash of all fields.
    getData: function(name) {
        var ret;
        this._data = this._data || {};
        if (arguments.length) {
            ret = this._data[name];
        } else {
            ret = this._data;

        return ret;


    * @method setData
    * @description Stores arbitrary data on a Node instance.
    * This is not stored with the DOM node.
    * @param {string} name The name of the field to set. If no name
    * is given, name is treated as the data and overrides any existing data.
    * @param {any} val The value to be assigned to the field.
    * @chainable
    setData: function(name, val) {
        this._data = this._data || {};
        if (arguments.length > 1) {
            this._data[name] = val;
        } else {
            this._data = name;

       return this;

    * @method clearData
    * @description Clears stored data.
    * @param {string} name The name of the field to clear. If no name
    * is given, all data is cleared.
    * @chainable
    clearData: function(name) {
        if ('_data' in this) {
            if (name) {
                delete this._data[name];
            } else {
                delete this._data;

        return this;

    hasMethod: function(method) {
        var node = this._node;
        return !!(node && method in node &&
                typeof node[method] != 'unknown' &&
            (typeof node[method] == 'function' ||
                String(node[method]).indexOf('function') === 1)); // IE reports as object, prepends space


     * Makes the node visible.
     * If the "transition" module is loaded, show optionally
     * animates the showing of the node using either the default
     * transition effect ('fadeIn'), or the given named effect.
     * @method show
     * @param {String} name A named Transition effect to use as the show effect. 
     * @param {Object} config Options to use with the transition. 
     * @param {Function} callback An optional function to run after the transition completes. 
     * @chainable
    show: function(name, config, callback) {
        return this;

     * The implementation for showing nodes.
     * Default is to toggle the style.display property.
     * @protected
     * @chainable
    _show: function() {
        this.setStyle('display', '');

     * Hides the node.
     * If the "transition" module is loaded, hide optionally
     * animates the hiding of the node using either the default
     * transition effect ('fadeOut'), or the given named effect.
     * @method hide
     * @param {String} name A named Transition effect to use as the show effect. 
     * @param {Object} config Options to use with the transition. 
     * @param {Function} callback An optional function to run after the transition completes. 
     * @chainable
    hide: function(name, config, callback) {
        return this;

     * The implementation for hiding nodes.
     * Default is to toggle the style.display property.
     * @protected
     * @chainable
    _hide: function() {
        this.setStyle('display', 'none');

    isFragment: function() {
        return (this.get('nodeType') === 11);

     * Removes all of the child nodes from the node.
     * @param {Boolean} destroy Whether the nodes should also be destroyed. 
     * @chainable
    empty: function(destroy) {
        return this;

}, true);

Y.Node = Y_Node; =;

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